First step is to dig a ditch but only the edges, size should be 5 blocks wide by 8 blocks long.
Place 24 Wood Frame Blocks and upgrade them to wood.
While the Wood Frame Block is selected in your toolbelt, hold the reload key and select the Shape menu item. From this menu select the Wood Frame Ramp. Place 3 of them facing you. This is where the zombies will enter.
Fill the rest of the area with Wood Frame Blocks but make sure to leave 1 out in the rear center. This is the hole we will use to dig our Shaft which will ultimately lead to our bunker. Once placed, upgrade to wood.
Place and upgrade a layer of Wood Frame Blocks around the base but only up to the Wood Frame Ramp.
Add another layer of Wood Frame Blocks on top and upgrade.
Repeat this step 3 more times until you reach to 5 blocks high.
Place 12 Wood Frame Blocks on the top front of the base, connecting both side walls.
Install 4 Ladders inside of the base. 3 leading up to the roof and 1 inside of the hole. The gap will be for a Wooden Hatch.
Install 3 Ladders on the rear outside of the base. Make sure there’s two gaps from the ground. This will prevent zombies from climbing. It also means you need to jump to reach it.
Access the Shape menu and choose the Wood Pole, there are two similar ones, make sure the one you’re selecting is NOT Wood Pole Center. Access the Advanced menu to enable full block rotation. Place 6 Wood Poles flush with the ceiling block, 3 in each row.
We are going to do this a second time with another 6 Wood Poles but this time place it the opposite way so that it’s completely flush against the first layer of Wood Poles. This way you got 2 layers of Wood Poles side by side. This will be our defence wall against zombies during Horde nights.
Access the Shape menu and select the Wood Frame Ramp Corner Filler. Access the Advanced menu to enable full block rotation. Place 4 in the front entrance of the base, 1 in each corner of the opening and upgrade to wood.
Access the Shape menu and select the Wood Frame Ramp. Access the Advanced menu to enable full block rotation. Place Wood Frame Ramps in the gaps between the corners and upgrade to wood
Go back to basic Wood Frame Blocks and fill in the roof gap in the front and upgrade to wood.
Climb to the roof using the rear ladder and finish covering up the ceiling with Wood Frame Blocks. One hole should be left where the access ladder is. Upgrade to wood.
Craft and Install a Wooden Hatch on the roof. Make sure the handle points away from the ladder.
Let’s do the same thing with the hole on the main floor. Install a Wooden Hatch and make sure the handle is on the opposite side of the ladder.
Upgrade everything to the second layer of wood. Inside and out.
Upgrade everything to Cobblestone. Make sure to leave some blocks untouched as they will be destroyed to install electrical components and traps.
Upgrade everything to Concrete. Make sure to leave some blocks untouched as they will be destroyed to install electrical components and traps.
Upgrade everything to Reinforced Concrete. Make sure to leave some blocks untouched as they will be destroyed to install electrical components and traps.
Assuming you have already completed the Electrical Room construction. It’s time to remove all those wooden frames.
Dig a 1 block width ditch alongside the left and right walls of the base, flush with the front walkway.
Fill in each ditch with Concrete Blocks. Again flush with the front walkway.
Add extra walls of Concrete Blocks on both sides this time flush with the base walls and not the walkway. Make sure to leave out 2 blocks on each side where the Dart Traps will be installed.
Access the Shape menu and select the Wet Concrete Arrow Slit. Place two of those on each side flush with the rest of the walls.
Upgrade the additional walls and Arrow Slits to Reinforced Concrete.
Install an Iron Hatch on the right side to protect the Generator Bank. Access the Advanced menu and rotate the Iron Hatch until the holes show up on the top right side, then place.
Install an Iron Hatch on the left side, covering and protecting the Switch. Rotate it until the holes are showing on the top left side. This will make the Iron Hatch open against the wall, being out of the way.
Assuming you have completed installing all the electrical components and traps, it’s time to cover those that are on the ceiling. Place Wood Frame Blocks everywhere except in the roof opening. Upgrade to Wood.
Place a Ladder right above the Relay in the roof opening.
Access the Shape menu and select the Wood Plate. Install 2 Wood Plates on each side of the roof and then continue placing more but leave the center opened. Also, place 1 additional Wood Plate next to each Relay hole.
Install two Wood Hatches in the center of the roof opening. Make sure to to install them as show so they open towards the side.
Install a Wood Hatch over each Relay hole. Make sure to install as shown so that they open towards the side.
Remove the existing Wood Hatch covering the Shaft / Entrance and install and additional Ladder, then install a new Wood Hatch.
Upgrade all newly added ceiling blocks to Cobblestone then Concrete and lastly to Reinforced Concrete.
Upgrade all Wood Hatches to Iron Hatches.
Now that your base is 1 block higher, we’ll need to install and additional Ladder in the rear side of the base.